Choosing the right roofing sheets can be a bit daunting but it decides the longevity and durability of your roof.
Let me explain it in this few minutes’ read.
There are two most common types of roofing sheets
- Plastic
- Metal
but bitumen, polystyrene, and fiber cement are also options.
Generally, roof sheets are manufactured from a range of materials, each known for their varying properties and applications on different types of roofs.
Plastic Roofing Sheets

Plastic roofing sheets include polycarbonate, acrylic, polystyrene and PVC variants. It can be approved only for use in structures such as outbuildings, conservatories, and garages. For domestic or commercial full roofs, you need something more resilient to ensure structural stability. A corrugated plastic roofing sheet can be great for a quick and inexpensive finish on top of a workshop or outdoor office. In general, plastic roofing is better for flat roof applications and more traditional looks.
Metal Roofing Sheets

Metal roofing sheets are mostly used for backyard sheds, garages, industrial buildings, garden roofing, etc.
These sheets are incredibly durable. A testament to this is the fact that some church roofs have stainless steel roofing which is still standing today. Metal is increasingly being used alongside steel guttering for a very contemporary and modern look on existing or new build houses.
Which roofing sheets are best for which roofs?
Here’s the list of things you need to consider before deciding which is the best.
1 | Lightweight, easy to install, and weight is usually better for extreme weather | heavy, difficult to install and work with it in windy weather |
2 | Less durable compared to metal sheets | Highly durable hence, long life expectancy |
3 | Easy to clean, resistant to corrosion and chemicals | High maintenance, not resistant to corrosion and chemicals, and weakens gradually with longer duration of rains |
4 | Quite cheap and affordable | More expensive than plastic sheets |
5 | Special kind of paint is needed to paint the plastic panels | can be painted very easily |
6 | Can be installed in places that need natural light from through the roof like sheds, warehouses, carpots, etc | Can be installed while constructing backyards, garages, garden buildings, and industrial roofs, and household cladding, etc. |
So, what do you think?
Good one!
Would help to add types of both plastic and metal roofing sheets. Also comparison with something like shingles/tiles in cost and durability. Maybe in another follow up article 🙂
Definitely. will do in another one .