Constructing a house is one of the basic necessities of a common man. It is a big investment he puts for, to fulfill his need and desire. When taking such an important step, he should be fully aware of the plan and ample knowledge of the execution of his masterpiece. To avoid issues during the construction process, be sure to follow these seven steps.

1. Know the history of the land
When purchasing a land, it is very important to know the variety of use the land has undergone in the years. Due to the fast development these days, people tend to be in a hurry and choose the wrong piece of land. The characteristic of the land determines a major role in deciding the budget of your house. So, it is important to study the previous history of the land. The history like whether it is a filled up land, marshy land, wasteland. Also, study the soil condition and water availability.
2. Get an understanding of your project
Building a plan in your mind which satisfies your dream project is the essential part. With the help of the right architect, you can detail your ideas and plot the schematic of your house. The schematic of the floor area and elevation should be given much importance. Because it is a deciding factor that sets the budget of your house with the complexity of the design. This process takes a few weeks to finalize and understand the needs you want in your project.
3. Setting the budget
Even if everything works out right, the construction activities and budget might change with a variety of factors. So, it is rare that it will come exactly as planned. You might face unforeseen problems coming up during the progress of work. Hence, it is always better to have it discussed with an experienced person in the field before deciding the budget. The contingencies on the budget have to be well understood and should allocate funds for that too.
4. Construction permit and approval
It is the most important aspect of the construction process of a structure as it should satisfy all the government rules and regulations. Make sure to take the advice of a genuine architect or contractor to keep it up to date. This will prevent the work from getting a halt when the building inspector shows up. Always keep a copy of the construction permit at the site.
5. Basic construction needs
Before starting a construction activity, ensure the availability of water, electricity, space for storage of materials, and road facility to the project site. When these factors are readily available and go as planned, it will reduce the slowness of work. Eventually, you will save much in the budget and time searching for alternatives during the construction process.
6. Project execution team
After finalizing the design, you have to find a contractor to do your project. The work has to be explained in detail and ask the contractor to prepare the estimate for the project. Discuss the scale of the project and the materials you want to use. By the time you do this with a couple of them, you will be having an idea of choosing the right contractor who is fit for the work. He should be having good skilled labor to supply and all infrastructures required to complete the project.
7. Schedule the work
The schedule of work is very important as it can affect the budget of your house if it exceeds the planned time. It should be considered in the contingencies as it can affect the demand and supply of materials and its cost. This creates an overall hike in the budget.
Starting a project can be delaying, be sure to push the schedule from the beginning and make sure the above steps are taken care of to have a smooth run to completion.
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